Friday, March 21, 2014

fresh from the kiln

some more new work, including the finished cloud bowls. quite pleased with them. is confirming, however, that i need to set up a spray booth somewhere in the studio, or something portable to use outside. not only is it good for large pieces, deep pieces, but also gives nice even coverage of the raised slip trailing lines (which when dipping, i usually go back over with a glaze dipped brush).

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

new works

while i really should be making mugs, mugs, and more mugs…i have been trying to squeeze in some play time, new stencil images (caribou, foxes, different bikes), some challenges and problem solving, and just some silly decorating.

caribou with a half overdone slip trailed & finger trailed decoration

new cloud bowls

some double dipped mugs

am really enjoying the cloud bowls…. other pieces feeling a bit girly somehow, probably the colour scheme. will think about some darker contrasts, maybe even good old black and white!